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The AEDP Institute - https://aedpinstitute.org/

The Couples Institute - https://www.couplesinstitute.com/

ISTDP Australia - https://www.istdp.com.au/

Books for Individuals and Couples

Bader, E., Pearson P. T., & Schwartz, J. D. (2001). Tell me no lies: How to stop lying to your partner and yourself in the 4 stages of marriage. St Martin's Press.

Frederick, R. J. (2009). Living like you mean it: Use the wisdom and power of your emotions to get the life you really want. Jossey-Bass.

Frederick, R. J. (2019). Loving like you mean it: Use the power of emotional mindfulness to transform your relationships. Central Recovery Press.

Frederickson, J. (2017). The lies we tell ourselves: How to face the truth, accept yourself, and create a better life. Seven Leaves.

Hendel, H. J. (2019). It's not always depression: A new therapy of listening to your body, discovering core emotions and reconnecting your authentic self. Penguin UK.

May, M. M. (2024). What I couldn't tell my therapist: The truth we told to heal our lives. Seven Leaves.

Reilly, W. M. (2024). It takes one to tango: How I rescued my marriage with (almost) no help from my spouse - and how you can, too. Gallery Books.

Community - People I learn with and from

Australian Association of Social Workers - https://www.aasw.asn.au/

Dr Maury Joseph - Clinical psychologist, teacher, and supervisor - https://mauryjoseph.com/

Dynamic Psychotherapy - Psychologists in Carlton Melbourne - https://www.dynamicpsychotherapy.com.au/

International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association - https://iedta.net/

The PORT Institute (Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy) - https://relate.online/pages/presence-oriented-relationship-therapy

Whitney and Associates - Clinical psychology and psychotherapy services in NSW and Worldwide - https://www.whitneyandassociates.com.au/